Market Intelligence Reports

2024 Q3 Report


The North West benefited from a very active start to 2024 with a large volume of projects receiving funding and procurement getting under way. A renewed confidence from both clients and delivery partners provided strong foundation for the Year. We have seen an increase in mix use Town Centre development due to funding coming online. A key part of the delivery has been the fact that many authorities have energised their vision with the integration of developer partners. This has helped drive delivery at speed. The developers are now more aware of the role a strong construction framework can play in the procurement and governance enabling them to mobilise quickly while meeting public sector procurement requirements.

The role of the combined authorities and the mayoral control has also benefitted decision making and accessibility to funding. The identification of requirements at a very local level has enabled focus and assertive procurement. The impact is instantly seen, and early engagement encouraged. Also, where local authorities have had a shortfall in funding for projects due to budgets or rising construction costs the combined authority has provided support to ensure the successful delivery of projects to benefit the communities. There is a call for a number of other regions across the North West to adopt the combined authority approach to provide a more cohesive approach. This is being met with some reluctance.

As for how the October Budget will impact public-sector project pipeline – the answer from many Public Sector organisations is ‘wait and see’. While promises of greater devolution signal opportunities in the North West region, it is hoped that the spring budget will provide further clarity and a boost in infrastructure spending.

Latest Market Intelligence Report

Mike Tyler

Mike Tyler

North West Construction Hub representative